Hi everybody. Today we got LOTS of snow! I woke up at 7:30 and immediately asked if we could go play in it. Mom finally gave in about 11:00 and I had a great time tromping around the yard in my snow boots. I even made a snow angel and went down the slipper slide into the snow. It was fun.
Here are some pictures of me helping decorate the "big tree" and me with my own little tree in my room.

I said some pretty funny things today. Mom thought we should share:
At lunch, I was having a hard time "focusing". I kept jumping out of my chair and smearing spaghetti everywhere and being kind of a goofball. Finally, Mom lost her patience and told me to straighten up and sit down and eat (or something like that). After a few minutes, I said,
"I'm happy when it's a sunny day and you don't yell at me."
Then tonight while Mom was picking up the house, I found one of my Dora movies. I gasped and said "Hey, Mom! I just realized..." I didn't really quite know where to go from there but Mom thought it was pretty funny that I "realized" whatever it was.